Well just came back from PWTC pc fair jut now. City Computer are had a booth in Pc fair to sell the NEC laptop And the SONY product. ANd I'm specialise in SONY counter to push the SONY product. First day on Friday, my sale was just KOSONG, there was so many people who walked around the pc fair, but nobody are came to buy thing one.. then came to Saturday, the sale was better, i'm had sold 4 SONY VAIO laptop in one day, and one 256 memory stick, one 19 inch LCD, one digital camera, one handycam. Today's sale is also not so good, its only one Vaio laptop and one digital camera. Today is the last day of the pc fair, we have to pack in all the stock into the box and send back to showroom tonight. Its really very very very tiring now....tomorrow still have to go back to showroom to arrange the store room to put in all this stock into the store room. its really really scary thing of me. But then, it also had a wonderful time to stand at the SONY counter there. Coz, the SONY center had get so many beautiful girl come to promote for the SONY product. And i'm always staring at all the girl only , until the customer asking me question i also didn't heard the customer.... hahaha....actually i'm will more prefering to work for pc fair than to work at my showroom. i will always thinking that why of that pc fair don't one to open longer time.. so sad lahh, tomorrow go back to showrrom, then will no longer can see all the beautiful girl already