Well, This picture was took at the Coffee House In Pandan Indah Cheras. Cantonese call " Kah Feh Gun". I was enjoyed my 21st birthday with my college friends here on 14th Jan night.
Yeah...All the guys here are singing the birthday song to me now...got cantonese version, english version, chinese version, Malay version and Hokkian version...ahhaha
Hey, do u know how bad of this guy!! he wants me to use my mouth to pick the candle up. I know what he wants to do on me. When I get my mouth nearer to the cake, the guy will press my head onto the cake 1... Chehhh..
Haha... the cake was cut until break pieces. I'm so sorry for that.
This picture are snap in Coffee House " Kah Feh Gun" in Pandan Indah Cheras From left (front) : Yoke Yee, Me, Abby. From left (behind) : Sai Cheong, Yutaka, Ah Jyh, Kok Hoe, Guang, Andy, Jason, and Marcus
This picture are snap in " Coffee House" cantonese call " Ka Feh Gun" From left ( front) : Yoke Yee, Me , Abby, Marcus (red shirt) From left ( Behind): Sai Cheong, Yutaka, Ah Jyh, Kok Hoe, Guang, Andy, and Jason
My car will be out on tomorrow. It is a Perodua Kenari Aero Manual ( White Color). Tomorrow after the class at 4pm, I will go to get my new car at the Jalan Ipoh Perodua showroom together with my dad. Well, I’ve been waited for one month, eventually I could get the car already. I’m feeling happy now. Tomorrow after I had get the car, I may use the car to go for my company’s annual dinner in the Renazour Hotel at the night.
That’s a sad news to all of the DIM students who just completed the Diploma course on last year. Well, we heard from Ms Norul ( Head of Department of Diploma). She said that the marketing students are has not finished all the subject yet. There is one more subject of Marketing Opertion we has not clear yet now. And then, all of the last batch of Marketing students have to sit for this paper on this Feb. Otherwise, those who are taking the one year degree may force to change to 1 ½ year to complete these degree course. According to the UAD rules, indicate there those students who had fails in one subject they must go for the 1 ½ year course. In this case, if we haven’t clear these paper before this Feb, we are considering not completed all the diploma paper, thus it may force us to go for 1 ½ year degree course. But due to this case is the mistaken from the management, its not the false of marketing students. Hence, the UAD are allow us to clear this paper before the March. In this case, it is putting more and more pressure to the marketing students now. We all are have to do one more coursework and to prepare the exam on Feb as the same time we have to finished all the degree course of 6 coursework + 5 assignment before the March.
I’m just came back from Pandan Indah just now. And now the time is already 01: 50am in the midnight. 15 Jan is my birthday, and tonight I celebrated my 21st years old birthday with my college friends at “ Coffee House” , the Cantonese is call “ Ka feh Gun” . This Café house is in the Pandan Indah. We actually been there one time before on the day we had finished our Systematic prom night. I felt that the environment here is very nice when the first time I goes here, and the drink of these Café are also quite many choices ..haha!! Last time we went there is around 02:00 am , and there is very few people are sitting there. It is because that time is nearly to closes business hour already. However ,there is so many people are having their drink over here when we came to this Café at around 10.45pm today. There is almost 10 person of my friends was celebrated with me in my 21st years old birthday. I’m feeling so happy that all guys are keep wishing me Happy Birthday and Happy birthday ,again and again..and nothing else to say…haha!! And then myself is also keep replying them with “ Thanks you and Thank You so much to u guys” It made myself can’t help my laughing also, well I’m attempted to control myself don’t let them see me laughing in front of them. // @@Ermm…what else to post now!!.. Oh yeahh…!! I had received 2 present from all these best friends. 2 of these present is a T-shirt. One is buy from SEED and another one is buy from ESPRIT shop. This 2 brand also known as the expensive brand haha!! Well, both theses T-shirt that they bought to me, I really like it so much. Especially the clothe buy from SEED 1. Today I had received 2 new clothes already, so I think I don’t need to buy anymore of new clothes for CNY already. Hehe!!>>>
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUN WEI Well, today is Jun Wei’s birthday, and I’m just came back from his birthday party just now. His family are did a birthday party to him to celebrate for his 21st years old birthday at his house. There is so many people were attend to his birthday party. He was invited his college classmate, secondary school classmate, and the primary school classmate. Well !! I’m his primary school classmate. Haha!! I’m actually are didn’t see him for long time already, and he also never call me out for drink. But today his birthday party I never think that he will invite me to attend to his birthday party. I and Wai San was leave a little bit earlier, coz we still have to work on tomorrow. So we have to sleep earlier also/
Well, My UAD degree course are commercing today. Due to today is the first day, so the college were gave us an induction class before we go to the degree. And the lecture will be starting on tomorrow. But my course schedule is only on Monday, Thursday, and Friday 3 days classes . Today’s induction class, my college had invited a top student who were get the first class of Honour in UK and in Malaysia for the UAD course on the last year to give a speech here to share some of her experience and her study method with us in the hall this morning. She is a girl, and her name is call Vernis. Well !! She look nice, and her English speaking is excellent. This is due to she grew up in the English education family, so her language is very good when she giving her speech on the stage. There is almost all the lecturers are saying that we have to take her as a “ Contoh” in doing for our UAD course in future. But I’m think every students will have their own study method, so it is not necessary to follow whatever other people did for their own. And the things that Vernis said to us on the stage today is almost similar with the things that the most lecturers had spoke to us in the class in previous time. I think some of the students will notice it. Anyway, I’m will still accepting whatever the Vernis said to us on the stage in this morning. Coz she is really had get the excellent academic result for the UAD course on last year.