Sunday, January 10, 2010

Alert .. Alert... Have to be Alert..!

Don't Know why.. no matter how much that we earning, it will also never can enough to fulfill to what we need actually.

In the passed, we earning with little by monthly income, then everyday also complaining of not enough of expenditure. Now has slightly increased to my income for this 3 month, but also feel not enough for my monthly expenditure now. Everyday is still frustrating to the expenses and keep looking for more and more money to home again.

How much of earning then only can consider as the better and comfortable zone to cover all our expenses and living good to our life style?

Even you are working hard, is it at the right way that you perform to your superior? HAve we ever asking to ourselve that everyday we working so hard and is it we doing for the right things in the firm to our boss?

Superior is judging to your performance on the result of their expecting on you, but its not to judge on whether you can do any others works to show him your result to another things which they never expected you to do.

FOr me, i also dont know whether i have focusing on what my boss expecting me to do at this time, or am i doing somethings out of the way which does not necessary from the management in most of the time now. Nonetheless, i hope i am in the right way at this initial stage lahh..!

When the boss expected you to do somethings, it would immediately you need to show out your result to him/her with the limited due date is given to you. You wont be giving too much time to show your result and performing to your superior. Every minutes , every second that your company wont allow you to be late or slower than yours competitors doing at the front. If you are late or slower than others, then you might be die out from your superior in one day.

In nowaday competitive business environment, everyday you might necessary to monitor what your competitors doing their things surround you. We need to be alert of every second that the competitors might fighting off you from the competition. When you been get to fighted off, then you will be the loser. But loser might able to restart to a new competition again anytime when you had get ready and well planning to welcome the games once more time...

Ppl will always learned more and get mature from the failure. Failure means a time to restart of a new games again, and we know how to overcome the risks from the previous failure this time.

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