Thursday, August 28, 2008

Going to SPC on tomorrow

Tomorrow have to wake up earlier because going to SPC on tomorrow morning, the van will depart from KL at 8am. This time going back to penang again is to spot check the SPC selling floor and also survey the target market and also to see how is the market niche for SPC. Well.. this time going is only 3 days 2 nite, doesnt like last 2 week were stayed there about 11 days then only can come back to KL. Anyway, even though Penang is not like KL so beautiful and clean, but the food there is really special and delicious... it is a Penang ethnic gourmet... i would think if those ppl who has come to penang and you should grab this opportunity to taste for all kind of the penang ethnic food in Penang..dont miss it..!

Next week come back to KL, and then still have to go for the store visit to many stores again... Well, Sept Month schedule has fully booked for the store visited. Cannot take leave, i have to wait until October then only can take my annual leave.

i have 12 days leave, 5 days will bring forward to next year. And the balance 7 days will try to arrange within October and the christmas eve loh.. Maybe October should find few days to go genting Highland to relax my mind.. been stressed myself in the office for 7 month already... really need a trip to breath some fresh air and relaxing my self already...

feelin- tired * Stressed

Monday, August 25, 2008

Came back to KL from SPC

Just came back from Seberang Prai Bandar Perda on last Saturday. Been stayed in the Penang Bandar Perda about 11 days. It was a tiring and torturing journey. I just go there about 3 days, then my gastric has started unfeeling well for 3days, and then getting high fever for 2 days, and then getting sore throat for 3 days again.. when i get back to KL, then started flu somemore..

I was see the doctor on last Monday, it was due to high fever. ANd then yesterday was see the doctor again due to sore throat and flu.. I suppose to take MC on last Tuesday, but i can't because of too many things havent finished, thus i have to push myself to work for that also.

SPC new opening on 22th August, however there is not many people are coming to Jusco during the new store opening. Sale also not really good enough.. We are still keep on going to implement our countermeasure to increase the sales. When sales not good, boss will always ask WHY..? Then we are the one to answer them of WHY & How..lohhh

Sigh..! really feeling so tiring and so stressing for my job.. Not much time for me to entertain myself also... Always work work work...only..!

TOday was left office at 7.10pm, it consider as early for me already for today... If normally, i will only leave office at 8pm or 9pm only... I told my manager that i not feeling well today because i still getting sore throat havent recover fully yet now, thats why i should go back early to take more rest to myself...

Still need to get back to SPC on this Friday, and come back to KL on next Monday.., Hmm... it was so many works to follow up when i get back to my office from SPC today. When i opened to my email and see, there was about 110 mails are waiting for me to read and reply.. WOw..! it was 2 weeks mail want me to read it all in one day, of course i can't finish it all by only one day lahh, today was just opened and answered about 30 email only, the balance will be read by tomorrow morning lahh... Coz today we still have the store emergency ordering submitted to HQ from all the outlets, hence we have to place our order to the supplier before we leave office. Otherwise, we will facing out of stock to deliver to the jusco customers..

Monday, August 11, 2008

kian Sin has joined to JJ today

At the end, kian sin has joined AEON today. This is his first day with AEON.CO, he is currently hired as a leasing officer for the entertainment & services leasing department. Today was about 5 new employees joining to AEON.CO.

To my surprise, within this 5 new persons who joining to Jusco today, there is one new pretty chick is the first day with as well.. WEll, i not really sure which department is she taking at the moment, but as i heard from Kian sin saying that she is under the business development department, however i didnt aware of where is she sitting now...lolx

Tomorrow will try to see where she sitting, if got chance.. really wish to get her name and her telephone number...lolx

Friday, August 08, 2008

SPC for 12 days

My whole department members will be away from KL to Pinang Seberang Prai City pandan pedah on 13th August until 24th August 08. When i heard this news from manager Mr Woon, i was astonished at that moment.. Coz SPC is not a city, there are not much entertainment for us if we stay there for many days.. Some ppl are telling me there is a rural areas... some are telling me that SPC is a half city and half village places.. i duno, because i never go there before..

22nd August will be SPC new store opening, all the Jusco merchandiser will be going there for the shelve display planning, and the promotional planning arrangement over in SPC New Jusco Store.. WEll.. i really duno what we going to do in SPC for almost 12 days there, that is too long for me to stay over out station... My feeling is tighting up now, because i do not like to stay over out side for so many days, and i not really use to it as well..

We have no choice, because all the merchandisers are compulsory go there for the new shelve display arrangement at 2 weeks before the store opening.. we have to ensure all the display is on the shelve in proper way when the store opening on 22nd August 08. SOme of the merchandisers is going there for 5 days only, some is go there for 2 days only...

There was really made me felt headache was the display and the stock ordering for the SPC from our suppliers is always NIL delivery, we were keep re-issue the order to the suppliers for many times.. SOmetimes might making us confuse as well because we were confusing on which stock is ordered, and which display that we has ordered.. then we have to be very clear with what we did and what we had missed out, we should ensure all the stuff is on the right path...

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Bad Result for North Court sales

MId Valley North Court LCDs fair sales result was not good enough.. the fair started from Thursday until today is only 1 units samsung LCDs sold, 1 unit LG LCDs sold ,and 6 units of Panasonic plasma sold only. TOmorrow will be the last day for this North court roadshow..

Mr Woon sms me again in the evening. He want me to do countermeasure on that, COz upstair got Maybank promotion Esy payment scheme work together with Carrefour and Court Mamoth. Well, we can see their sales is doing quite well actually which i heard from the suppliers today.

EVen today is my rest day, but still getting annoying of my work. When sales not good, manager will pressure me again, ask me to do countermeasure to get back the sales. Of course, depends on my one person affordability is not enough, i still need to get some support from the suppliers to help me to boom up the sales together.

i called to the suppliers, Samsung said they will upgrade their voucher support on the 40" LCDs for every unit sold for tomorrow last day sales. But LG said they had offered the best for us already, hence they can't do any further support or better than this anymore. Panasonic has did their countermeasure strategy to us since yesterday, thus their sales was not too worst sofar/. However, we wish we can do even better for tomorrow last day sales in this NOrth court.