Sunday, May 17, 2009

Finished my budget of Medical cover

Almost every big firm will having a employee's medical benefit to the staff. My firm also not being excluded as well.

However, i not sure how much is the fund allocating to each employees sofar. I was thought its no limit on the budget for every employees. Thus, i am going to the surgery quite frequently if i getting just a little bit of not feeling well. Because we will getting free on taking the medicine.

However i rarely take MC with the company all the while. Thats why i need the medicine to help me to recover my sick in quicklier. I know if i take the MC today, the next day must having 2 days documents for me to finish in the second day 1. Thats why i dont like to take MC or even the leave , when come back to office then getting so much of accumulated job to be finish.

Just yesterday, when i present my medical card to the reception counter. The receptionist checked my card, there is only left RM 42 in my medical insurance account now. Thus, the extra cost in the receipt, i need to pay with myself already.
When i call back to HR to check, then only i noticed that my current position only entitle to RM 2000 limit per year.

Since last month i has do the scanning, and given the special medicine, the cost has charged about RM 1.7k++ , then now just left RM 42 balance to my account. There is another RM 200 allocation to the dental. i duno whether i can re-allocate the RM 200 budget from dental to the outpatient cover or not. Tomorrow need to check with HR when going back to office.

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