Sunday, May 27, 2012

My first comment..!!

I am wondering why is my organisation is keep on implementing so many of the different new process and the new procedure to our division. Friendly speaking, all this stuff it does not really helps improving so much but it is seems making us feel more difficulties to our job load, and it is making our task becoming more complicated in daily now. My personally was feel that all this new process its really slowing down me to get my job done well.

I know my position  level is not qualified enough to give any comment on that, thats why everytime when the above management has signed off every of the new process or the cross-functional management has determined something news to the company, and we are the downline here is just can follow only. Because if we have any feedback to the above, it might be still getting the challenge as our point maybe is not that strong enough to comment it.

Anyway, i has written all my feelings & my comment into this time viewpoint to the organisation, i know it might be very little chance to get the concern from the management, but anyway i am still think I am want to letting them to know what we think also..^^

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