Thursday, January 19, 2006

Its a BIG BIG News to Marketing students

That’s a sad news to all of the DIM students who just completed the Diploma course on last year. Well, we heard from Ms Norul ( Head of Department of Diploma). She said that the marketing students are has not finished all the subject yet. There is one more subject of Marketing Opertion we has not clear yet now. And then, all of the last batch of Marketing students have to sit for this paper on this Feb. Otherwise, those who are taking the one year degree may force to change to 1 ½ year to complete these degree course. According to the UAD rules, indicate there those students who had fails in one subject they must go for the 1 ½ year course. In this case, if we haven’t clear these paper before this Feb, we are considering not completed all the diploma paper, thus it may force us to go for 1 ½ year degree course. But due to this case is the mistaken from the management, its not the false of marketing students. Hence, the UAD are allow us to clear this paper before the March. In this case, it is putting more and more pressure to the marketing students now. We all are have to do one more coursework and to prepare the exam on Feb as the same time we have to finished all the degree course of 6 coursework + 5 assignment before the March.

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