Monday, September 07, 2009

What would you think of Irritate..?

What would u act when u are feeling irritate to something...? My personally almost every week should have one or two days that somethings will make me feel irritating. In Many time we hard to prevent to get irritate towards something when it is come to you, then sure it will comes to you.

There are many kind of things would causing u feel irritated, it just that depends on how do you see that things and what angle that u thinking to.

Different angle of the view from you, will have different result and different feeling to you. If you think it on negative, then it is resulted u to get irritate on that matter in that situation. If you are use a positive thinking to see the matter, too surprisingly it would make you to have a brand new feelings if comparing in between of two different point of view's person.

We are hard to define the meaning of irritate in our life. Why..? This topic is a very psychological phylosophy to us in many situation. You might need to use your EQ to analyse and justify of a matter in your mind in a positive or negative way.

I believe there is very very very less people can have a very high EQ to many worse situation to think of a positive way to turn your irritating becomes to a calm.

What would you judge on the meaning of " irritate "..? Perhaps u would have your different point of view towards this question.

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