Monday, August 04, 2003

Well..well..well…today is the first day of the
2nd semester for CIB class study. And the
first subject we are study in this morning is
Macroeconomic. Actually M/s Ida is the
lecturer who will teaching us economic
subject for Micro and Macro until the end. In
this morning, suddenly, we’re notice that the
time had over 10.45a.m now. But M/s Ida
still haven’t come to the class yet. At this
moment , I felt that would have An unusual
phenomena happen. Coz, in Microeconomic
study, M/s Ida she never come late for
every lesson of us. She always reached to
our class at sharp of time. Now had passed
10 minutes from 10.45a.m to 10.55 a.m.
We all sitting in the class as the moment
are waiting for the lecturer come now.
Ya. .eventually the lecturer were reached.
But that is not M/s Ida ,is a new lecturer
came inside now.she is M/s Komala, is
the lecturer for Economic. She come inside
class and told us that she will replace the
M/s Ida to teach us Macroeconomic. Then,
when she come into the class, firstly she
ask all of the student Who sitting at the
back come to sit at in front on that time.
Coz still many place for them at the in front
now.M/s komala want all the student sit
at in front and she can easier to have her
teaching for us. She don’t need to shout
when she have her teach for us. I just have
only one class in this morning. After finish
my Macroeconomic study, just go to bank
in my cheque at the Public Bank. The Public
bank are publish at beside of my college.
The cheque the salary of my part time job.
After this, I still gotta go to Bank Simpanan
National to pay for the electrical bill, Astro
bill, telephone bill and so on……haha…..


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