Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Oh!! Eventually ,we had get a surprise
announcement from Mrs Ida .when Mrs
Ida came into our class room in this
afternoon, and she straight ask us to
keep beside all of the Econs’s book
on the table, and just put a piece of
paper and our pen on the table only.
Hey, I felt an unlikely phenomena today .
Coz suddenly Mrs Ida instruct all the
student to keep beside the Econ book
and just left a piece of paper and pen
on the table only. I think that will be a
small test she will give us today. Bingo,
she is having a small question and
writing on the white board and she
told us that our answer will be mark
with the final exam. Then, after finished
writing the question,she gave us about
20 minutes to answer this question
without discuss with each other or
copy from each other and reference to
the notes, Urghh….......when Mrs Ida
writing the question on the white
board . I’m astonish at that moment.
Coz I did read about this question on
last week. But ,I can’t remember any
point to answer this at that moment.
That is a question >>> “ Why do the
government imposes indirect the
taxes?” I’m thinking and thinking.
Aik…....... I had remember some point
about this question now. Then, I
bravely to write down my answer and
pass up when Mrs Ida call us what
point I had written to the answer?

Feelin- Surprise

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